
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Check Out My Guest Post!

2012 Hood to Coast leg one finish

My good friend Kim, who blogs at Snug Harbor Bay, recently started a running program.  She was really struggling with her workouts.  Since I do some running, she asked me for a few words of wisdom.  After giving some tips and tricks, Kim asked if I'd mind doing a guest post for her blog on advice for beginning runners.

Head on over to Snug Harbor Bay today and check out my guest post.  And while you're there, leave some kind words of encouragement for Kim.  She's training to run a 5K and can use lots of support! 

Kim's son Tony, has a blog, focusing on health and fitness.  He's also featuring my guest post today.  Check out Tony's Fitness and Nutrition Tips for helpful advice on getting fit and staying healthy.

And stay tuned for my race report on my final leg of the 2013 Hood to Coast Relay.  Coming soon!


  1. Oh Linda - you do know your stuff! I ran 20 minutes straight today (first time EVER) and also did a 15 minute mile. I am so happy with that. Thanks for your help and for your wonderful guest post!

  2. I stopped over and left some encouragement, I'm trying to build my continuous running back up myself from my shoulder injury recovery. I'm doing a 12-13 minute mile right now probably because I have to keep stopping a minute here and there to loosen that arm. My poor quads are just as flat as can be! I'll get it back again, working on it over the last couple of weeks.

  3. So nice of you to share running tips with another blog! I'm off to check out the post :)

  4. Wow, Linda! Excellent guest post over there! So much great information, but most of all - fun to learn about your history as a runner!

    My sister decided to walk out her front door & run 10 miles the day she turned 30. I thought this was a little nuts.. but it did take a kind of drive & determination & stamina that was impressive.
    The downside was, she could barely walk or use stairs the days after that, her knees hurt so bad. Since then she's learned that training is important. She does a lot of small town 5k races & fun runs. And trained for her first half marathon (Grandma's Marathon in Duluth) a few years ago. The day got dreadfully hot, and most of the full marathon runners had to drop out at about the half way point or were hauled away by ambulance.. so she was happy to have had her early morning start & to complete her half marathon!
    Her sister-in-law is the head track coach at a University here in MN. She helped my sister with her knowledge.
    I also have a close friend who has been a runner since we were kids. She is a lifelong marine, extremely fit / buff/ lean & strong.
    While she has ran countless triathlons & half marathons (even during 3rd trimester of pregnancy) and everything in between, she had never done a marathon. When she did so in 2011, she wrote some observations to share with friends. One of them, was this:
    "Another observation that is not just for marathons but for all events: aside from elites, book cover judging is not valid for any age, shape, or gender. I ran a conservative but not shabby 4.10 marathon (faster than Oprah but slower than George W Bush). Ahead of me were old men and women. Short, chubby ladies. Girls with major junk in the trunk were passing me at the end. A girl ran holding her birthday balloons the whole way and finished ahead of me. I saw more young folk than old hop off to the side with cramps after mile 18. Like I have told so many of my Marines, success comes from within, the dedication, state of mind, and drive involved. Natural ability only carries you so far if you are not driven."
    This observation really rang my doorbell - that all body types can run. I repeat - this friend of mine is extremely fit, freakishly almost, when it comes to some maternal & pregnancy aspects.
    For her to say that there were gals with junk in the trunk leaving her in their dust.. that inspired me! Any of us can do it if we set our mind to.
    Now I'm off to read Toy's story!

  5. Great guide for the beginner! I've gotten out of running, and I saved your story as inspiration to get back into it.


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