
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring is Bustin' Out All Over

Now begins the beautiful season here in Portland.  Around mid-March all the flowering plants begin blooming.  This year it seemed like one day the world was dull and gray, and the next, wham-o!  Every living plant in town was sporting bright colors.

One of the best displays of color is at the north end of Waterfront Park in downtown Portland.  Near the Steel Bridge lies a large grove of cherry trees.  Every year in late March these trees explode into a riot of frilly pink blossoms.

I had a hunch these trees might be in bloom, so during last Friday's lunch hour, decided to pay them a visit.  This end of the park is a good distance my office, but the weather was nice (ie, not raining) so it turned out to be a pleasant walk.

And.....the trees were in full spring regalia!  Such a beautiful sight.  The blah cloudy skies didn't make for the best photographic conditions, but I had to try.

I wasn't the only one walking around with a camera.  I ran into at least four other photographers.  Beauty like this was meant to be captured.

My lunch hour now over its allotted time, I realized I needed to head back.  But no sooner was the camera turned off and put away, when the sun decided to make an appearance.  It lit the trees magnificently in lovely rose-colored hues.  The scene was much too good to pass up.  Hmmmm......guess I'll just have to be late!  :)

Linking to:  Share Your Cup Thursday.


  1. That's gorgeous. Now I'm wishing we'd made the day trip to Portland that we thought about while we were in the Seattle area last week!

  2. Those tress are gorgeous! It's almost time for hiking season, isn't it?

  3. I love flowering cherry trees! One of these years I am just going to have to visit yours.
    I agree --- hiking time:)
    Blessings, Aimee

  4. Wow!!! Those trees are just beautiful and your shots are lovely! I can't wait til everything starts to bloom around here.

  5. One of my bucket list items is to be in Washington DC when the famous cherry blossoms are blooming. Who knew you had them on the west coast?? Beautiful!

  6. Gorgeous! I love spring, but my allergies are kicking up already even though our trees aren't blooming yet. Zyrtec and and inhaler daily until June, but being outside is worth it!

  7. Definitely a good reason to run late! Beautiful photos, Linda!

  8. Beautiful- and quite a contrast with your ski pictures

  9. Oh Linda this is breathtaking beautiful! I can only imagine how gorgeous it was to see it for real! It will be a while yet before we have gorgeous blooms. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  10. Hi Linda,
    popping back to say that I will be featuring you at Share Your Cup.


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