
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Happy V-day!

I had a wonderful time skiing for my birthday.  But more fun awaited.  The next day, I joined my regular Thursday ski bus and went up to the mountain again.

Size matters!  Click on any photo to enjoy a larger version.

Bus Mom Linda putting heart stickers on everyone

It happened to be Valentine's Day.  Our bus mom Linda loves V-day, and always celebrates in style.  She decorates the bus, has a contest to see who's wearing the most red, and places heart stickers on everyone's faces.

How do you like this lady's t-shirt?

Upon our arrival at Meadows, I headed to the lifts. While waiting for my friends, I spotted this women sporting a very distinctive t-shirt over her jacket.  I did a double-take at first, it looked so real!

Rear view

It even had a back side.  The lady turned around so I could get a shot of the rear view.  She commented that all the women laughed at her shirt, but the men averted their eyes and didn't say a thing.  I thought it was great!  Really fit in with the V-day theme, don't you think?

Glen and Katie join me today

I met up with Tele-lady Katie, and my buddy Glen, a retired co-worker.  Glen and Katie hit it off right away, and our happy trio set out to conquer the slopes under the Hood River Meadows (aka "HRM") lift.

Me and my ol' buddy Glen

Glen had to give me a hard time about hitting the big 5-0!  However, both he and Katie are well into their 60's, so to them I was "still a kid."  Feeling bad about your age?  Just go skiing with folks older than yourself. 

Glen all by his lonesome on the lift

Katie and I jumped on the lift before Glen was ready and left him to ride all by himself.  When we got to the top, Glen said the liftie commented we'd ditched him to get some "girl time."

Failed synchronized tele attempt

I had my tele skis that day, and had the bright idea to have Glen get some photos of Katie and I making synchronized tele turns.  Well.....not so easy.  Even though we skied in a line and tried counting out, this was the best we could do.  Not very "in sync" at all!  Oh well, it was great fun trying.

The mountain's coming out!

The weather went from overcast to foggy.  And then, near the end of the day, Mt. Hood decided to peep out from behind her cloudy veil.  It made a nice backdrop for a final shot of my friends.

B-day gift from my ski bus - what could it be?

Back on the bus after a hard day's skiing, I knew something was up.  Doug, one of our regular riders, is a retired high school art teacher, and a very talented artist.  Over the years, he's made funny signs, cards, and painted hats and mugs for various bus riders.  For my 40th birthday (which happened to fall on a bus day) he made a mini coffin, complete with feet sticking out one side.  What was Doug gonna do for my 50th?

A senior skier!

After bus mom Linda announced my birthday over the PA system, the entire bus sang the "happy birthday" song.  Then a large bag was passed up the aisle.  Uh-oh....what was inside?  Did I dare open it?

Close up photo of "old Maude"

In the bag was a very funny figurine.  It was of an old lady skier, nicknamed "Old Maude."  Around her neck was an AARP card with the words "AARP ski team."  She was wearing Depends, and had a bota bag of Geritol hanging from her side.  On the back of Old Maude's skis were training wheels.  What a hoot!  I laughed so hard!

The artist and his creation

Also inside the bag was a card, created by Doug of course, and signed by all my bus friends.  Doug's specialty is drawing caricatures of people, so the person depicted on the card was me.  I absolutely loved it!

Awesome card from Doug!

The birthday celebrations just keep on coming!  I'm very fortunate to have found this great community of skiers and friends on the midweek ski bus.  Made for a very special and memorable birthday (and Valentine's Day) this year.  Thanks everyone!


  1. What another wonderful day of birthday celebrations. That tee shirt was a hoot. Must admit I couldn't workout what she was wearing at first as it looked so life like.

  2. Awww, what a special day you had! I love "Old Maude" and that card they gave you is so sweet. So glad you had a happy and special birthday!

    That woman's shirt totally cracked me up! It does look so realistic!

  3. Nice documentation as usual. Recently read " Mindfulness in Plain English" - you might enjoy- your comments made me think of it.

  4. Nice shots and a great way to celebrate a big birthday. I love that woman's t-shirt, it's classic!

  5. Love the thirst that's funny. Great senior skier too. Looks like a great day with some good friends

  6. This has been like the best birthday celebration ever!!

  7. Linda, that sounds like a wonderful day! I love the t-shirt and Maude!


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