
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Inversion Frost Art

In mid-January, the Portland area experienced an inversion, lasting over a week and a half.  The Willamette River Valley shivered in below-freezing temperatures under foggy skies, while up on the mountain, lucky skiers enjoyed sunshine and balmy high 50 temps.  Crazy!

Size matters!  Click on any photo to enjoy a larger version.

The frost is thick this am

But one of the great photographic benefits of this unusual weather was every morning found the outdoors coated in a thick white frost.

Frosty spider web

On weekdays, I'm out the door and at work before daylight, so I kept missing the show.  But Saturday found me at home with camera.  Once the sun rose, I got myself outside.

Forgotten apple long fallen from our tree

One of my Christmas presents was a new camera lens.  Now was the perfect time to try it out!

The last leaf

I had great fun roaming around the yard, checking out the cool frost patterns on the vegetation.

Empty bird feeder encased in white

Even this little bird feeder wasn't spared.  I really like how the frost crusted every bit of the wire.

Yet another spider web

I especially like how the frost coats the spider webs.  Now they are really visible.  Very cool!

The morning sun beginning to thaw my neighborhood

The fog started to lift, and sunshine began filtering through the hazy skies.  I liked how it lit up the frosty trees.

Fuzzy leaves

This little bush is wearing a fuzzy white coating.

Spiky frost crystals sparkle in the sun

When the sun hit the frosty leaves, it was downright magical!  White flakes glittered in the light.

More interesting spiky frost

The frost formed little needles of ice on these leaves.  Very interesting to see.

This rhodie looks like its growing hair!

Almost looks like some of these leaves are growing white hairs!

Even my doggie had frost on his ears

Even my dog got a little bit of frost on his ears.  He was such a good boy and actually posed for this shot (and he doesn't usually stand still for very long!)

This week our inversion ended, with a return of rain and warmer temps.  I never thought I'd be so happy to see the rain, but I am.  Rain in the valley means snow in the mountains.......  :)   And just maybe I'll see more frost up there next time I go skiing.

Linking to:  Camera Critters and Share Your Cup Thursday.


  1. I especially like the spider webs- great shot of your dog.

  2. Great photos but I especially liked the spider webs.

  3. I've never seen frost on a web before, and we haven't had any days like this so far this year. I was thinking about it just the other day! Great time to get winter photos.

  4. The spiderweb shots are so beautiful!

  5. It is amazing how a dead leaf seems to come to life with the frost. It just looked so beautiful.

  6. Great photos! I concur that the spiderweb shots are awesome, but I also liked seeing the emphasized texture of the plants. Very cool.

  7. Gorgeous shots! I especially love those spider webs.

  8. How neat! The spider webs look so sparkly and beautiful. The spiky frost is really neat as well! Great photos. Looks like the new lens is working out well :)

  9. Linda, Love your photos! We had an inversion that lasted for more than a week also. Nice to see sunny skies again. I have never seen frost on a spider web here. I saw a photo on another blog and thought that it was amazing. I guess our webs don't last long enough. Your dog sure was a good boy. Love his cute face!

  10. I am with your other readers. I love the webs, too! Hope you are enjoying your new lens!


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