
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fade to Black (and White)

I love black and white photos.  There's something about the stark simplicity of monochrome that intrigues me.  Details that would get lost in the whirl of color take center stage. 

But often the bright hues of real life captured on my sensor can be distracting.  I get so caught up in color, I forget about converting my shots to B & W. 

Thankfully the 52 Photos Project chose "Black and White" as its meme for the week.  A perfect opportunity to view some of my favorite images in a new light.

Fog in the valleys, view from Mt Hood Meadows

I took this photo from high on the slopes of Mt. Hood Meadows.  Although the sky was perfectly clear, fog lingered in the mountain valleys.  Mt. Jefferson rose prominently on the horizon, with Broken Top Mountain visible behind.  The bent over, icy trees added to the wintry scene.  Meadows has a shot similar to this view hanging in one of their restrooms (which is where I got the idea).  And it's also in black and white!

Frosty leaves

I captured the above image this past Monday morning.  A heavy frost covered everything outside in a thick coating of white.  These leaves had tiny needles of frost clinging to their edges.  Very cool when converted to B & W!  Although I'd intended to post only one photo, I liked this one so well, it got included too.

Check out more impressive black and white images by visiting the 52 Photos Project Gallery 40.


  1. great bw pics! thanx for stopping by :)

  2. These are beautiful photos, Linda. I know what you mean about black and white. It's such a compelling and interesting tool, yet we often forget about it. I'm glad you remembered. These two photos are especially nice in b&w--nice textures and contrasts.

  3. These are gorgeous! In the first image it took me a minute to realize it was a mountains/trees/fog situation and not a rough ocean wave and crashing surf with some beach plants. In color I'm sure the connection to the other image would have been easily overlooked but in the B&W you get a nice appreciation for both. Beautiful.

  4. I also love black and white and how it can change our perception of an image. I do love getting the detail in a photo so I love the frosty leaves.

  5. B&W can make for wonderful photos, you chose well here. And your previous post makes me want to start skiing again!

  6. Hi, Linda
    Love the frosted leaves photos:)
    Blessings, Aimee

  7. These are beautiful shots! I love your header photo too. :)

  8. Wow...the pic of the Ft. Hood meadows is amazing!!

  9. Such a gorgeous view... always nice to find another PNW blogger... I'm your newest follower and rss subscriber...

  10. Gorgeous monochrome images Linda! Black and white gives us such a different feel to our photos.


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