
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Skies Above

It's been a few weeks.....but it's time to get back in the saddle with the 52 Photos Project.  This week's meme is The Skies Above.  When you look up in the sky, what do you see?

There's tons of sky photos stored on my hard drive.  The only hard part - finding them!  But when I came across this image, I knew it was the one.

This image was taken many years ago in my husband's hometown of Yankton, South Dakota.  One night at sunset, a thunderstorm rolled in over the Missouri River.  My sister-in-law and I happened to be walking along the riverbank and were lucky enough to witness the sky turning these fabulous colors.  And I was fortunate to have my camera with me.

For more creative shots of the sky check out the 52 Photos Project here.

Also Linking with:  Orange You Glad it's Friday.


  1. Wow, what a beauty! I love South Dakota, though I'm more familiar with the western rolling hills around Lemmon. That's a photo treasure!

  2. That is one incredible shot of nature at work. I love how the sky and water are almost seamless.

  3. It is hard to believe that a day can be so clear and bright and for just the briefest of times you get this slam dunk of saturated warm color. Just gorgeous!

  4. Stunning. I really need to get back into some blog posting

  5. Stunning. I really need to get back into some blog posting

  6. What a beautiful sky! I love the colors!

  7. The reflection of that amazing sky makes an awesome picture.

  8. absolutely orange....and lovely sky shot...I have many sunsets too, but they are always a bit different....

  9. Bear With Me...lovely colors, the world is your oyster♫♪

  10. Welcome back, Linda!!! What a gorgeous selection you've shared this week. Absolutely stunning.

  11. Wow!! A stunning sky, thank you :-)

  12. It's interesting to see such beauty in a part of the country I don't know at all. Beautiful colors.

  13. Thank you for your participation in Orange You Glad It's Friday. Hope to see you back again this week!!!

    Hood Photo Blog

  14. That is a mighty sky! Glad you had your camera with you and you were able to find the shot after all these years! Thanks for visiting my rusty Chevy!


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