
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Retro Photo - Hikin' Kids

A couple of weeks ago while looking through an old album, I spotted this photo of my kids taken in 1996.  This image was from a hike in the Columbia River Gorge.  My family used to have a Mother's Day tradition - we spent the day hiking on a trail of my choice.  Although my son loved being in nature - he could happily spend hours studying the plants and trees along the trail - my daughter had to be bribed with M & M's to keep moving.

My kids on a hike - circa 1996

Although I love that my kids have grown into wonderful young adults, a small part of me misses their younger days.  Taking children outside is so much fun.  They see the world way differently than adults.  I cherish the memories of time spent hiking with my kids.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I'm happy to have both my son and daughter home for the holiday.  I'll have to show them this photo.  It will be fun to hear their memories from this and other past outings. 

I'd like to wish all my readers a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.  May you spend it surrounded by the people you love.


  1. What an absolutely adorable picture. Think I'd have to have that one framed and sitting somewhere I could see it often. And judging by the pic on your sidebar, they've grown into beautiful adults as well. I wondered if either have become hikers as adults?? Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  2. What a fun photo, I bet that's a great place to hike.

  3. I comfort myself with the fact that eventually there will be grandchildren...hopefully!

  4. Such a great photo and what wonderful memories. It looks like you have a close knit family.


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