
Friday, October 26, 2012

Quick Trip to Silver Falls

Last Sunday, I made a trip to Mt Angel to visit my son Cody.  Mt. Angel is not far from Silver Falls State Park.  Silver Falls is a breathtakingly beautiful place, featuring forested canyons, and ten - count 'em - ten spectacular waterfalls.  Anticipating there might be some fall color in the area by now, I made a last-minute decision to throw my camera gear in the car.

Size matters!  Click on any photo to enjoy a larger version.

Upper North Falls

I had a nice, long visit with Cody.  So long in fact, when I left Mt. Angel, it was late in the afternoon, and I almost headed for home.  But with Silver Falls State Park so close, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to check it out, even if I only had a couple of hours.

Upper North Falls supersized

And I'm so glad I did!  The fall colors were in full swing.  Bright yellow and orange leaves lit up the forest.   I stopped at the first parking area, and took the short path to Upper North Falls.

Nice fall colors in the creek below

Upper North Falls is located in a very scenic rocky canyon.  This past week's rainfall had it gushing mightily.  It's foamy white curtain made a nice compliment to the surrounding forest.

The forest is ablaze

A short path to the falls followed a lovely creek.  This waterway was lined with golden yellow foliage.  Photographic subjects abounded!

Brilliant creekside colors

I ended up visiting only Upper North Falls, and spent a couple of happy hours photographing the scenic rushing water and magnificent fall colors.  The sun was almost down, with darkness filling the canyon, when I finally arrived back at my car.

But my work here is not done.  I'll be back next weekend, rain or shine, to capture more fall colors, and the rest of the waterfalls.

Linking to:  Sunny Simple Sunday.


  1. Gorgeous pics as always. Our fall color is winding down, but it has been spectacular!

  2. What beautiful color and photos - I love that waterfall!

  3. I always love it when I see waterfall pics like that! So flowing and soft. How do you do that? I guess you have to use a better camera than a phone camera:)

  4. Your photos are spectacular! I have visited Silver Creek Falls many times throughout my lifetime. It is such a lush green and majestic place to get away from it all.
    Thank you for sharing your day with me!

  5. Stunning ! What beautiful scenery...I am glad you made the decision to stop so we all could enjoy. I love that waterfall picture...looks like sheets of glass

  6. Beautiful place love the pictures of the falls. Very well done

  7. these are spectacular. the flowing water is very beautiful. our fall is getting quieter and more subtle now with the temps dropping more consistently. happy week to you.

  8. Your photos are always fab!! For some reason your blog isn't showing up in my google reader. Grrrrr....


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