
Monday, May 14, 2012

The Last Hurrah

Sunday May 6th.  The last day of operations at Mt. Hood Meadows for the 2012 season.  Is it really May already?  Where did the winter go?

Size matters!  Click on any photo to enjoy a larger version.

Happy faces on a sunny day

Katie, one half of the tele-ladies duo, and I teamed up for a Meadows last day telemark skiing extravaganza.

Still tons of snow

There was still tons of snow on Mt Hood's slopes.  As a matter of fact, the run shown in the photo above had more snow on it in May than it did last December.  In December, this slope was not yet skiable, sporting large patches of dirt and bunches of rocks poking through.  And yet Meadows was now closing down for the season.  All this snow going to waste.  What a cryin' shame!

Katie is ready to make turns

But there's not much you can do - but enjoy it while it lasts!  Which is what Katie and I did all day.  Well, at least until early afternoon, when the warm sun turned the snow into peanut butter.

A snowboarding wolf!

Having never skied Meadows on it's very last day, I learned a thing or two about end-of-season protocol.  I didn't get the memo, but apparently there's a dress code to be followed - one must wear wacky attire.  I saw more people in costume on the slopes!  First we saw a snowboarding wolf - complete with goggles.

Garsh!  It's Goofy!

Then we ran into Goofy and his hula-skirt wearing companion.

Screamin' down Wee Bee (photo by Grant Myrdal)

Katie and I stormed the slopes of Wee Bee Gee Bee and got our pictures taken one last time by photographer Grant.

It's the Mt. Hood Meadows Panda!

And then we met the "Mt Hood Meadows Panda."  Who knew?

Parking lot BBQ

By mid-day, the snow fast turning to mush, grills, chairs and coolers appeared in the parking lot.  Many groups of people were having themselves a BBQ.  Beer was flowing fast and free.  Driving out of the lot, I saw one group decked out for Cinco de Mayo - complete with sombreros and serapes (and probably margaritas too).  If I wasn't driving, I would've totally got some photos of the scene.

Still skiing in May

So long Mt. Hood Meadows.  It was another good year.  I skied a record 23 days on my season pass (oh yeah!)  Although winter took it's time in getting here, we had an amazing spring.  Especially March - what a month.  It was one dump after another.  I'm sorry it has to end.

But there's still Timberline ski area (which stays open into August).  And with my climbing skins I can go wherever there's snow!

So even though it's a last hurrah for Meadows, I'm not ready to hang up the skis just yet.  Skiing in June anyone?

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