
Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Bit of Color....

Finally, a post that's not about skiing!  (some of you must be breathing a sigh of relief).  With working all week, and skiing all weekend, I've neglected to notice what's been happening in my front yard the past couple of weeks.

The torrential rains of March have given way to an explosion of spring color.  Trees and flowers are blooming all over the place.  Our daffodils have pushed themselves up from beneath the soil and begun exhibiting cheery yellow blooms.

The flowering pear tree in our front yard is doing what its name implies - sprouting frilly white blossoms.

And delicate little purple and pink flowers are blooming beside our neighbor's fence.

With crummy weather forecast for the mountains (wind+rain=no skiing!), my daughter home on spring break, and my hubby finally back after three long weeks in China, I decided to stay put this weekend. Being home in the daylight, I finally noticed our now-colorful front yard.

Between rain showers, I had time to grab my camera and capture some of the spring's colorful floral display.

March was so drab and gray.  The Portland area received 7.75 inches of rain - in just this month!  When everything started blooming and greening up, it was most a welcome sight. 


It's a sure sign that spring is finally here!

Although I'll still be traveling up to the mountain to play in the snow, it's nice to see everything blooming again in town.  There isn't a more beautiful place than Portland in the spring.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful flower shots!!!!! Spring has sprung :)

  2. I love flower photos and you got some beauties!

  3. SO pretty. Glad the flowers are finally starting to bloom:)

  4. Oh I love looking at those picture. I wish Idaho would hurry up and start showing off some Spring colors. Thank you for sharing!! ~ Rebecca

  5. Hi Linda,
    I just found your blog and I have a feeling I'm going to devour some of your old hiking posts! Great pictures!

  6. Oh beautiful. Our flowers are not even close to blooming. So jealous


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