
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Frosty Morning

This past weekend, Portland experienced some unseasonably cold weather.  An inversion came into town, and left the valley shivering in below-freezing temps.  With it came a frost that left everything outside with a coating of white.

Rhodie bud gets some flocking

Nature's white flocking made our front yard look so pretty, I threw my jacket over my PJs and ran outside with my camera to capture it.

White-tipped grasses

Each individual blade of grass sported a thick frosty coating.  The dead leaves lying on the ground had their veins traced in an outline of white.

Still a few leaves left on our pear tree

Even the few leaves still left on our tree had an icy edging.

Rose bush leaves with an icy coating

The rose bushes were especially pretty.  The frost made lovely patterns on their serrated leaves.

Dried up rosebud

And the few withered-up roses that were left got a nice sparkly coating.

I had good fun roaming around the yard with my camera.  Although the weather outside is cold, it does bring along beauty.  Hope you enjoy the photos!



  1. The weather was the same here i Washington. The frost is so pretty in the morning, I'm so glad you captured it on camera:)

  2. Your photos are beautiful but the rose bud is stunning!

  3. wow those are some gorgeous shots of frosted flowers and leaves I am always so unmotivated to go out and shoot in the winter I need to get better at that

  4. Nice pics, tops go to the Rhodie Bud and the dried up rosebud.

  5. Nice series- My favorite is the rose


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