
Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Own Backyard

These past weeks, I've been traveling all over the Gorge in search of fall colors.  But last weekend I discovered there's nice sights to behold right in town.  Even in my own backyard!

Our maple tree has lovely red leaves

We have a small maple tree in our yard.  In autumn it has the most vibrant red leaves.  Roger raked up all the fallen leaves, except the ones directly under this tree.  My dear hubby said the leaves were so nice, he left them in place for me to photograph.

Raindrop-spangled leaf

Since Roger had gone to the trouble not to disturb the maple leaves, I had to get out there with my camera. 

Cool orange/red leaves

One of the bushes in our backyard had colorful orange/red leaves.  Not sure of the exact name of the bush, but it was sure fun to photograph.

Amazing colors at the Rec Center

Later that day, I took Bear for a walk.  My home is close to the neighborhood recreational complex.  It's a great place for an afternoon stroll.  Between the baseball and soccer fields are dozens of beautiful trees, all wearing their autumn best.

Fall leaves close-up

This time, I thought to bring along my pocket point-and-shoot camera.  The fall scenery was so outstanding, I was glad I did.

Fallen leaves make an orange carpet on the ground

The local fall colors were at their peak last weekend.  It was definitely a good time for a walk/photo session.

Leaves of many hues

Some of you may be getting tired of seeing so many blog posts featuring autumn leaves.

Nature's red carpet

But the fall colors are so fleeting, I want to capture as much as I can before winter's dreary months set in.  After the leaves have all fallen, there won't be much for color until March.

No more picnics 'till spring

I'm fortunate to live somewhere that has such a beautiful fall.  All I have to do is walk outside my home.  I can find all sorts of lovely sights right in my own backyard.

Bear just wants to play Frisbee

And because he's so cute, I have to end with a photograph of my pup.  Bear waited patiently through my photo session, and then was rewarded with a game of Frisbee!



  1. Wow, that's a stunning red leaf carpet! We don't really get those super vibrant colours down here. I do like vegetation with drops of water on them as well. Looks great!

  2. Nice fall pictures- It is easy to miss what's right in our back yard. Cute dog.

  3. I don't get tired of the fall pictures. You are so right they just go so fast! I loved your maple leaf colors.


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