
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ready to Run

Tomorrow I run my second marathon.  It's hard to believe race day is almost here!  While preparing for October's Nike Women's Marathon, training seemed to drag on forever.  This time around, the weeks and months have flown by.  Suddenly here I am one day away from the big race.

I'm excited to try the 26.2 distance again.  I'm wondering if this race will be any different from my first marathon.  Will the course be flatter?  Will I hit the wall this time?  Will I better my time, or be slower this time around?  I guess I'll know soon enough!

The Eugene course starts and finishes at the Hayward Field Track on the University of Oregon campus.  This track has held numerous high-profile track meets, including the 2008 Olympic Trials.  Lots of famous runners have competed here.  I'm thrilled to be running in the footsteps of champions.

Me and Cami, my running buddy

Cami, my friend and running buddy had signed up to run the race with me.  We trained for months, doing most of our Saturday long runs together.  Then just last Sunday, Cami had a death in her family.  At this time, it doesn't look like she'll be joining me tomorrow.  As disappointed as I am not to share race day with my training partner, I do understand there are much more important things in life.  There will always be more marathons.

So to Cami, my wonderful running buddy, good friend, and the toughest lady I know - you will be in my thoughts every step of this 26.2-mile journey.  This race is for you!


1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed! As someone who won't compete in anything longer than a 5K, I am actually mightily impressed! I hope it was a great race. congratulations!


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