
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

Before I knew it December 24th was here.  After a busy day filled with Christmas preparations, I looked forward to sitting down with my family and unwrapping our gifts.  Our tradition is to unwrap presents on Christmas Eve, and then go to church ("midnight" mass at 9 pm).

Our poor, unstable Christmas tree
But during the day, we had a small catastrophe.  Our Christmas tree, which always had a lean to it, gave in to gravity and fell over.  I came downstairs to find Roger and Cody desperately trying to right the tree.  The stand had also tipped, spilling water all over the carpet and dousing some of our presents. 

My family imitating our Christmas tree

We tried to get the tree to stand up straight, but it wouldn't cooperate.  In the end, Roger gave up and left it leaning against the wall.  That evening, while shooting family photos, we decided to do a pose that would make the tree feel right at home.

Family photo by our leaning Christmas tree
We also did a more traditional pose.  It took awhile to get this one right.  Bear kept following me into the photo!  We had lots of outtakes with Bear's rear end in the middle of the frame.

I unwrap my "fraglie" present
Then it was time to commence the gift unwrapping! I got a nicely wrapped package marked "fraglie."  Hmmm.....I wonder what's inside?  And what does it mean that it's "fraglie?"  The gift turned out to be wine glasses, and my daughter misspelled "fragile."

Cody digs into his present
The kids had more gifts than Roger and I (as it should be) so I had fun sitting back and watching them enjoy opening their presents.

Denise has a BIG present!

Roger had gotten the kids each jackets from China.  Denise got a Spyder ski jacket, which Roger wrapped in a really big box.

Denise mugs for her mom's camera
The kids were pretty cooperative with the photo-taking.  I guess they knew there was no way they were getting out of it on Christmas Eve.

Cody models his jacket from China
Roger got Cody a nice North Face jacket in China.  Of course, it was black (now Cody's favorite color!)

Denise expresses her surprise in getting the game of "Clue"
Now that my kids are older, and practically on their own, it's hard to buy gifts for them.  While we were shopping the after Thanksgiving sales, Denise gave me lots of hints.  One store had all of their board games buy one get one free.  Denise picked out two games she wanted.  Since I was already there, I went ahead and bought them even though Denise was with me.  I told Denise to act surprised when she opened them on Christmas.  When she opened these gifts, Denise gave a performance worthy of an academy award.

I caught Cody smiling!
Cody also gave a few good performances for my camera.

Merry Fishmas!
There are some things you see in the store that are so perfect for that special someone, you have to buy them!  (Even if they are total junk)  Such is the case with the chocolate fish in the above photo.  Oh - this wasn't the only gift I gave my hubby.  Roger did receive some "good" stuff from me too!

The men of the family working on more gifts
Even if there is a large amount of presents, gift unwrapping seems to go quickly.  Before you know it, all the gifts have been opened, and you're left with a big pile of wrapping paper and bows.  So sad.

My kids, clowning for the camera
It was nice to have everyone together for the Christmas holiday.  My kids seemed to enjoy each other's company (for the most part!).

Roger and I pose in front of the tree
Roger and I smile for a couples photo in front of the tree, although we ended up blocking most of it.

Bear gets his own doggy blanket

Even Bear got a Christmas gift - his very own doggy blanket!  But he was too busy chewing on his toy to fully appreciate it.

Another holiday season has come and gone.  It's been good to have everyone here and celebrate as a family.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!


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