
Friday, September 3, 2010

Mt. Angel Seminary - Cody's New Home

On August 22nd, I helped Cody move into his new home, Anselm Hall at the Mt. Angel Seminary.  Cody was looking forward to starting this new chapter of his life, and the day had finally arrived.  We loaded up both his car and mine, and headed down I-5 for the 45 minute drive to Mt. Angel.

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Cody's new (spacious!) dorm room

When we arrived at Mt. Angel, we were greeted by a group of seminarians with hand trucks.  This army of nice, polite young men descended upon our cars, and had us unloaded in no time.  From past experiences moving into college dorm rooms, I was prepared for many trips to and from the car to the room, and long trudges up stairs carrying heavy boxes.  This was so much nicer!

Cody has a nice big window sill for his plants

Both Cody's and my car were full, and I had my doubts it would all fit into a small dorm room.   Well,  Cody's assigned room was huge.  It was twice the size of an average dorm room and had a nice large double closet and big desk.  Everything fit just fine!

Some of the staff of Mt. Angel

The staff at Mt. Angel were most welcoming.  They gave us parents tours of the seminary grounds.  We also had a nice reception where the administrators, teachers, and new seminarians were introduced.  And then everyone was invited to partake in some refreshments.  Father Paperini, the Rector of Mt. Angel personally introduced himself to each seminarian and their parents.,

Cody's seminary class

The seminarians lined up on the patio outside of the cafeteria.  I took two photos of the group and merged them together.  Cody is the 5th person from the right.  It was quite a group of young men, from all over the western United States.  There were a lot of guys from California.  One guy, named Jesus (appropriately named) came up from Fresno in a charter bus with 20+ family members!

Beautiful farmland views from the seminary

Mt. Angel seminary is located in a beautiful setting.  It is in the middle of prime Willamette Valley farmland.  The buildings are situated on a large hill overlooking the countryside.  On clear days, I'm told you can see all of the Cascade mountain peaks, from Mt. Hood, St. Helens, Adams, Rainer, Jefferson and the Three Sisters.

Anselm Hall, Cody's dorm

On our tour of the seminary grounds, our guide was a young man from California.  One of the parents, apparently not from Oregon, asked if it got cold and snowed during the winter here.  The young man said, yes, the winters were really cold, much colder than he'd ever experienced.  Cody, fresh from five years in Montana, was amused by this.  Winters here are much warmer than anything in the Rocky Mountain and Plains states.

The Abbey Church at Mt. Angel

After touring some of buildings on the campus grounds, it was time for Cody to join his fellow seminarians for mass.  It was getting late, and I decided it was time for me to head home.

The Guardian Angel Statue next to the Abbey Church

But before I left, I took the time to get some photographs of the buildings and statues on the Abbey grounds.  Mt. Angel is a beautiful, peaceful place, and I look forward to visiting Cody here often.

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