
Monday, May 3, 2010

Mom's Weekend at OSU

Mother's Day is just around the corner.  With that in mind, OSU held their annual "Mom's weekend" last Friday - Sunday.  I drove down to Corvallis on Saturday to spend the day with Denise.

One of the weekend's events was a mother-student 5K fun run.  Denise was the one who suggested we run the race together.  In between classes and work, she's been trying to start a regular running program.  Here are Denise and I on Saturday morning, fresh and ready to run!

Denise gives me one of her "looks."

Of course, Denise never likes it when I take her photo!

Denise is much better at these self-portraits than I! (She knows just how to hold the camera)

Mud-splattered, but victorius!

It had been raining the past couple of days, so the park where the race was held was kind of muddy.  Denise and I show off our muddy shoes after the race was over!

Denise did really good for just taking up running a couple of months ago.  I know it was hard for her, but she kept on going, and we finished strong.

I just loved these yellow rhodies!

After the race, it was time for a Jamba juice and then back to Denise's apartment to change clothes.  After that, we walked around the OSU campus, checking out the various activities for moms.  The campus flowers were all in bloom, and were they ever beautiful!

These pink rhodies were also really nice.

Denise poses by one of the many bright flowering bushes on the OSU campus.

We joined Denise's two roommates and their mothers for dinner at a local restaurant.  Denise has great roommates, and their moms were a lot of fun.

Denise and I model our numbers from the morning's race.  This was a low-budget race - no paper bibs with numbers - only a hand-written sharpie number on your hand!

I had a great day.  It was fun to hang out with Denise.  We always have a good time when we get together.  Happy Mother's Day to my mom and my sister, and to all you moms out there!

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