
Friday, January 29, 2010

Skiing With the Brothers

In early January, my youngest brother Mark came out to Oregon to ski!  My brother Dale had convinced him that he really needed to experience skiing in the Oregon Cascades.  So Mark flew into Portland, and we got up early the next morning to drive through freezing rain to reach Bend.  Once we arrived in Bend, we picked up Dale and headed for Mt. Bachelor.

Here's the group on our second day of skiing.  From the left:  Mark, Dale and Dale's son Max.

The weather was a little disappointing.  It was the first week of January, and the temperature was 44 degrees!  Not exactly what you'd expect in the middle of winter.  Both days we skied the fog rolled in and out - visibility was tough at times.  But at least Mark did get some glimpses of the beautiful mountains around Bachelor.

But the warm weather made the snow very skiable.  Here's Mark, pondering his next run.

Bet you didn't know Dale knew ski ballet!  (Or is it a graceful recovery from a near fall?!)

I put on my tele skis for awhile on the second day.  But it didn't take long for my legs to poop out, and I was back on my alpine boards.

Later that afternoon, the fog parted and we were treated to a great view of Broken Top mtn.

Dale and Max are having a good time on the slopes!

Chairlift group photo op.  Who are those people behind the goggles?

The fog lifted and the mountains came out to play.  Here's the view of the Three Sisters and Broken Top mountain from the top of the Skyliner Chair.  What an outstanding view!

Close up of South and Middle Sister.  South Sister looks so different with snow!  Can't believe Dale and I climbed it only three months ago.

Mark is done for the day.  He looks like he had a good time!  OK Mark, you need to make this an annual event and come back next year!

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