
Saturday, December 12, 2009


We had a quiet relaxing Thanksgiving weekend at our home.  Denise came home from college on Wednesday night accompanied by her new pets --- two guinea pigs and a bunny!  The guinea pigs are her roommate's animals, but the bunny is Denise's. 

I spent Thanksgiving morning running in a "turkey trot" race at the zoo.  It started pouring rain the minute the race started, and didn't let up until I'd crossed the finish line.   We ran down a big hill, and then turned around and ran back up it.  I earned my pumpkin pie that day!  We finished the race by running through the zoo, which was interesting (I've never run through a zoo before!) but I was cold and wet and ready to be done.  It seemed like the finish line would never come.

But I got home, dried off, and warmed up.  Then it was time to stick the turkey in the oven.  Once the turkey was close to being done, Denise and I sprang into action, making the side dishes.  Here is Denise making the stuffing (we cheat and make Stove-Top!).  As you can see, she is just thrilled to have her mother taking photos.

Here's Roger getting ready to carve the turkey.  Dinner was great, and we all ate way too much.  But hours later, we all thought we had to have a piece of pie (and then my stomach hurt for awhile!)

Here's Denise with her bunny "Bob"

Another shot of Bob the bunny.  He is a very cute little guy!

Denise with all three of her critters.  Bear was very jealous of the three little guys. We had to keep their cage in a separate room with the door closed.

The weekend went by way too fast, and before we knew it, I was taking Denise and her animals back to school.  But we had more guests for the weekend.  On Sunday, my parents stopped by for a quick visit.  I got to spend the day Monday with them, and Tuesday they headed home to S. Dakota.  I can't believe it, but I did not get any photos of them while they were here!  I guess I was too busy spending time with them and didn't think of it.  Oh well, next time.

So now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time for the madness of Christmas to begin.  Christmas seems to always creep up on me.  One of these days I'll be really organized, and actually get some shopping done before Thanksgiving (well, its a good thought.....)

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! 

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