
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Halloween Trip to Cincinnati

Halloween is just not as fun anymore around our house.  With both our kids gone, we have no excuse to celebrate this holiday.  Lately, our Halloweens consist of waiting for the few kids that come to our door, holding off the dog when they ring the doorbell, and eating a bunch of the candy meant for the trick-or-treaters.  So this year I decided to do something different.  I journeyed to Cincinnati to visit my brother Ron and his family.

My brother and his wife have three boys - Thomas, and twins Nicholas and Christopher.  They totally enjoy Halloween, so I knew I was in for a good time.   When I arrived the boys treated me like a celebrity - all three of them wanted my undivided attention.   Here we are reading one of Thomas's books.

First on the agenda was a trip to the local pumpkin patch to get the boys some pumpkins.  The pumpkin patch was out in the country - very picturesque!  And the weather was really nice that day.  Here Ron's wife Tonya is showing the boys a great specimen. 

The pumpkin patch had all kinds of unusual pumpkins and gourds.  Thomas found a large blue pumpkin.  I'd never seen a blue pumpkin before!

The twins help out by pulling the wagon full of pumpkins to our car.

The leaves were fallin' all over the neighborhood.  The boys had a great time jumping in the leaf piles.

Here's Thomas enjoying a roll in the leaves.

And here's all three boys in a big pile of leaves.

Ron took me on a hike in a nearby county park. The trees were all in full color, and we walked along a stream with some waterfalls.  It was a beautiful place.

Another view of the waterfall with the fall colors.

The twins each found a favorite leaf from the many leaves on the ground.

A leaf for Aunt Linda!

A fine example of the many colorful trees at the park.

Then it was time to carve the pumpkins.  Anyone want a bite?

Ron scoops out the "pumpkin guts" as the boys look on.

The twins are having fun with the "pumpkin guts."

Thomas and Christopher admire their jack-o-lanterns.

Christopher shows off his jack-o-lantern.

The boys are ready to go trick-or-treating.

And they're off!  The boys were so excited to trick-or-treat, they ran from house to house.  Well, they did until their buckets got too heavy from all the candy!  Then they slowed down.

After the boys were done trick-or-treating, it was time to admire the haul!  Thomas is checking out all the goodies he received.

The twins are lining up all of their candies by type.  They thought of the candy more as toys than something to eat.  I'm sure that will change!

It was fun to experience Halloween with little kids again.  I had a great time, and will have to visit someone with young kids again next Halloween!

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