
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Trip to Ashland

In mid-July I made trip to Ashland to visit Cody, who is working there for the summer. Cody is doing an invasive plant study for SOU, and is out in the field camping all of the time. He was very happy to be able to stay in a motel room for the weekend (even if it was only the Motel 6!).

We visited the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which is world famous. The OSF features many plays throughout the spring/summer/fall season. During the day, the Elizabethian Stage was open for vistors, and I just couldn't resist seeing what it was like to stand near center stage!

Cody was amused by his Mom's antics!

After touring the theatre, we took a walk through Lithia Park, which is a large City park in the heart of Ashland. It was a hot day, and there were many people playing in the water.

I couldn't resist dipping my feet in the cool creek!

Neither could Cody! Here he is striking his "thinker" pose.
Later that evening, we attended a play at the Oregon Shakespeare Theatre. We saw "Much Ado About Nothing." It was an excellent production - amazing actors! Even though I have not read much Shakespeare, I was able to follow the storyline, and enjoyed myself greatly.
The next morning, after filling Cody up with a good breakfast, I had to hit the road. On my drive back, I ran into a huge rainstorm in Eugene that followed most of the rest of way back. All I have to say is, people in Oregon forget how to drive when it rains! It took me an extra hour and a half to get home.
I'm hoping to get in one more trip to Ashland this summer, while Cody is working there. I'd love to see another play too.

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