
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What a Great Photo of my Kids!

Here's a photo of my kids that I took back in February at Roger's mom's funeral.  Are these a couple of good-looking kids or what?  I think this is a great picture.

And they even gave me their best smiles (Denise says from all the photos I've taken of her, she's perfected her cheezy smile!)

What can I say?  I'm a proud mom.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Denise!

In early March, my daughter Denise turned 20.  I can't believe my youngest child (my baby!) is no longer a teenager.  Denise came home from college for her birthday weekend.  So Roger and I got to spoil Denise on her B-day.

Denise got a cheesecake for her birthday cake.  What could be better?

Lighting twenty candles!

The candles are out - it's time to sample the cake!

Flowers for the birthday girl!

This is probably the last birthday we'll get to celebrate with Denise.  She's already informed us that she will not be celebrating next year's B-day with us!  (Gee, I wonder why??)

Happy Birthday Denise!  Your Dad and I are proud of the wonderful young lady you've become.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

Due to the mild winter we experienced this year, the trees started blooming in late February.  By mid-March the daffodils were out in full force.  Spring is here!

A group of daffodils in my front yard.

More lovely flowers.

Our pear tree is blooming nicely.  After several dreary winter months, it is great to see some color.

Bear wants me to put down the camera and play frisbee.

"C'mon, I'm too cute to resist!"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Memorial to Delores

Roger's mom, Delores passed away suddenly two weeks ago.  It has been a great sadness to all who knew and loved her.  This is a woman who raised eight kids, half of them as a single parent, and worked many physically exhausting jobs in order to support her family.  She planted a large garden every year, and worked long hours in the kitchen canning and freezing the garden's bounty so her family would have food to eat.  There was nothing she couldn't do.

All were welcome in her kitchen.  Throughout the years she happily accepted her children's spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, grandchildren, and their friends that came to visit.  She had many friends in her hometown and they knew they could stop by at any time for some food, advice, or a quick card game.

Delores loved nothing more than having her children and grandchildren visit.

Delores loved her children so much she would give the shirt off her back to help them.

Delores also loved to play cards.  Every visit to her home always included a rousing game of pinnochle or golf.  I think she's up in heaven right now, whuppin' God in a card game!

Delores was a wonderful, generous mother to all.  I will miss her greatly.